"A People's History of American Empire" by Howard Zinn

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Although I was not familiar to the WebQuest application prior to creating one, WebQuests can be another tool in an educator's tool belt to utilize technology in the classroom.  An interesting thing about WebQuests is that they're instructor created and they can literally cover any subject a teacher would like to cover.  For example, in the WebQuest I created, I compared the Roman Republic to the United States federal government.  With a number of different links throughout the internet for students to explore the information themselves, WebQuests are a great tool for educators to incorporate the internet in to students educational experience.


An interesting new approach to the use of podcasts in the classroom is breaking down a number of barriers between the access of information available to students today.  In a number of colleges across the United States, professors have began to upload their lectures onto itunes through the use of podcasts technologies.  Being familiar with this technology, as I am, is an interesting twist on how students can still access the information presented in class, even if their are absent that particular day.  In addition, if students would like a 'review' before tests on a specific subject covered in class the would be able to hear the lecture and freshen up on the content.  This would be extremely beneficial to auditory learners as well as students who are absent often (activities, sickness, family vacations, etc.).